A radio talkshow called “The Mirror” on Guide FM in Kasese district has helped fix Bwera – Mitimusanju Road in Kasese District. The road was impassable even after repair due to shoddy work. According to the moderator of the live talkshow Kahungu Thembo, the contractor had connived with the district engineer to approve a shoddy work in September, 2012. The live radio talkshow is broadcast every Friday of the week from 05 – 06pm.
“The issue of Bwera – Mitimusanju Road was always
raised on the talkshow [The Mirror] through phone calls and SMS and we decided
to take a radio debate there which forced the district leadership to sack the
district engineer [James Atuhaire] and the road was re-done by the contractors
at their own costs.” Said Kahungu Thembo of Guide FM.
This follows ToroDev training on broadcasting for
accountability in November 2012 to help rural FM radio journalists improve
participation on their accountability radio programs through the use of
appropriate ICT tools like SMS and call-ins and other online tools like
facebook and twitter to share and access information. The training also encouraged
radio journalists to make follow-ups on service delivery issues raised by the
local citizens and conduct more research to enable them hold factual and issue
based discussions to improve accountability.
While assessing the impact of ToroDev interventions on
broadcasting for accountability on 14th March, 2013 at Guide FM in
Kasese District Kahungu highlighted that as a result of the capacity building
workshops conducted by ToroDev, Guide FM has improved broadcasting for
accountability through more support to radio journalists conduct research and
embraced the use of appropriate ICT tools to increased participation of the
local communities in the radio discussions among others.
“It’s now a policy for radio journalists to always
have scripts before going for any program. Guide FM is also conducting on-job
training especially for interns and new staff. Management has also allocated
UGX120,000 a month for journalists to conduct research and UGX30,000 for
airtime coordination. The manager has also given a directive to every radio
program to have a facebook page” Said Kahungu Thembo of Guide FM.
Kahungu however highlighted that although the radio
has allocated some funds for conducting research and coordination to enable
fruitful issue based discussions, the funds are not yet enough. The radio staff
also faces intimidation from local politicians and civil servants for reporting
issues of shoddy work and corruption.
During the impact assessment visit, ToroDev staff also
distributed copies of the Uganda Constitution, Local Government Act and the
Access to Information Act to empower local FM radio journalists with the legal
framework to help them in their discussions and information access especially
from the local governments.
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