Saturday, 14 June 2014

Busoro residents dont want acity but service delivery.

People from Busoro have vowed to deal with whoever comes to their sub county demanding to extend it to fort portal municipality. According to Mr.Guma Ben chairman Rwengaju kigarama disclosed that these leaders who have brought resolution of extending Busoro sucounty that are just dreaming and they cannot accept that at all. During an exclusive interview, Mr. Ben disclosed that ,as Busoro sub county are not seeing the reason as to why they can join fort portal municipality. Guma has also rubbished the chairman LC3 Busoro sub county Hon john Kusemererwa known as Kumwe who went and said that the people of Busoro have accepted to be part of Busoro Sub county that are his own words because he has never come to them seeking for their permission . He again said that, as people from Busoro does not see any good thing that they can admire from municipality which are not in administration. Beb assured that, they are ready to come to Radios with people and show up their denial to those leaders who are trying to bring their interests in the people’s lives . According to Perebu ,a business man at Hakatoma disclosed that will fight up to the last hour for not accepting to join fort portal municipality. Perabu said that those people who neighboring fort portal municipality have seen northing which can lead to join fort portal city like they don’t have good services like electricity, water, poor roads and many others. Kirungi Charles a peasant said that he grow up in administration and if those leaders tries to come and extend them will lead to his migration from that place if not there will be more trouble. Nyakojo Ismail from Rwengaju Harusozi asked the minister for local government to come and sensitize the people and seek for permission from the people of Busoro but he disclosed that he is not supporting the proposal of extending their sub county.

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