Saturday, 14 June 2014

Speaker survives being thrown out of the council over late coming

Speaker survives being thrown out of the council over late coming. By Francis Tusiime(tusiimefrancis@gmail) Kyenjojo There was a free drama atBufunjo Sub County head quarter when council resolved to throw the speaker Bufunjo Mr.Ayebale Ndyanabu accusing him of late coming in the council yet he was supposed to open the council seating. The budget council meeting was scheduled to begin to begin at 12:00 noon according to the invitations but started at 4:11pm as a result of continued delays and misconduct by the sub county speaker. According to John Bosco Tibeha the Director Bufunjo peoples Forum said that the council that was parked to its capacity came on rampage and councilors almost resolved to postponed the meeting citing the continued disrespect of the speaker whenever council meetings are due. The councilors accuse speaker for spending most of the time in the bars and delay councilors in the meeting. They angrily resolved to kick him and his deputy out of office, on his hesitations to leave the seat he was forcefully taken away by the s urgent at arms. The council un anonymously replaced the speaker with Mr. Twinomujuni Jackson councilor Nyabirongo to chair today's council business. Kijungu Rasulu councilor Batalika parish Councilors that that the speaker and deputy should produce written apology before they are accepted to chair more council meetings or will be reshuffled. Council successfully passes shillings 190 Million for the financial year 2014/15 prioritizing fencing of the sub county, planting more trees, privatization of the latrines, and construction of the offices.

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